Saturday, March 3, 2007

5 out of 6 New England States

Today Dave, Katie, Harley and I went to L.L. Beans up in Maine. Didn't buy anything but saw a few things I may mail order, and it was fun to see some different scenery. That's the worst thing about cold spells in winter- as most of Feb. was- being cooped in. Plus working means you really get into the regular routine- and although there's comfort in that its SOOOO nice to be able to have a change of pace. That's what this vacation was all about.

So Katie, Harley and I did 5 states this week. Home here in NH. Went to Mass. to visit Mom Tuesday and part of Wed. Then we drove down to Foxwoods in CT to have lunch at the Hard Rock- since we've never been to that one and we are Hard Rock fans in this house. It was a fun little visit even though Katie's only 15 and I'm not a gambler- but reminded me a bit of our trip to Vegas last summer- minus there's not as many fun non-gaming activities as there are in Vegas.

Anyhow- we drove home to NH through RI- Katie's first ever visit to that state even though she's been lots of other places. I counted up I've been in 32 states and she's been in 21. I won't count Dave's. Of course Harley had never been to CT and RI but being a dog, I suppose he doesn't care as long as he gets to go for a ride with us.
And today we went to Maine. That means we didn't get to VT for New England states, at least not this vacation.

Our trip to Maine was still fun though. Had my old college standard pizza at Pat's- not the Orono restaurant but one in Yarmouth- double dough pepperoni and onion- love it as a sentimental food from my youth at UMO- and the dough is still just 2 pizzas piled on top of each other so you can pull them apart- play with your food and still eat it.

Also went to the bead store in Freeport-the Beadin Path. Its huge (bigger than last time I went there a couple fo years ago). I got lots of loops to use for binding my cloth journals that I make. Check out their web site if you like beads:

Posting some photos from one of my cloth journals- this one is called Garden Under the Sea- the ocean is one of my favorite subjects.

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