Thursday, March 8, 2007

no amibition-but look at these !!!

I wish I had the ambition to do something crafty tonight- but even though its March and the sky has this brightness to it (or did awhile ago) it is SOOOOOOO cold. This morning driving to work my car thermometer was mostly at about zero degrees but hit cold spots where it would drop to -9 and even by the marsh -13!
By the time I left work the wind had kicked up again and its just a bit chilly. This cold zaps my energy.
So instead of making art I will show you some art from last summer when I was in bag making full swing. Didn't sell too many but it was fun to make them and love doing the art quilting on the front. Maybe I can sell a few more in time. I have 2 listed on Etsy so check them out.
Stay warm if you're some place cold and enjoy the warm if you're lucky enough to be south (like my co-worker and friend Ken who flew to Florida today).

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