Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday morning

I love getting up before everyone on a sunny morning. Its even better in the summer when I can make my tea and head onto the screen porch, but since its not quite that warm yet, and the screen porch is still wrapped in plastic, I will settle for sitting on the couch. No noise except those anavoidable house noises, no tv yet because my 2 addicts are still snoozing- Harley's not barking outside- cats are sleeping too. LOVE IT!

Busy weekend ahead. Today Harley (much to his fear) and Leo (another exciting adventure for him) are going to the vet for shots and check-ups. Its early but they need to be done before we kennel them in April- when we get to go to Ireland- can't wait. I have a house that needs to be de-haired and de-crumbed and a few groceries so we can eat. Tomorrow off to Boston to see the Paris fashion exhibit at the MFA. Should be fantastic. Plus it will be a fun girls day out since its my Katie, Katie B and Vicky going.

The clocks get changed tonight which means tomorrow morning will be darker- makes its tough for the week ahead- but the evening will seem like an eternity almost- love the very long days of spring and summer- get that sun and get ride of my seasonal distress- wonder how my ancesterors survived in Sweden with that- since its definately from the Anderson side of the family.

Oh well- time to go enjoy this peace and quiet!

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