Tuesday, April 17, 2007

At least the snow is all gone

I should call this my weather journal lately- seems all I've been writing about. Still raining- not as hard, and the snow is gone. Still lots of closed roads, but Route 11 is back open in Rochester so I can at least drive directly home- in the normal commute time. No more going really far north and looping back south to home. Katie had no school today- but we did. The coast is having more tide flooding than river, stream and lake flooding.

Packed my art kit tonight- suitcase is out and I am slowly putting things in- we leave Saturday for Ireland- am very excited about that.Am hoping the weather there will be spring like.

Am ready to quit my job though. I know these spells are normal- after 22 years of teaching how can one not get sick of it. Feel like I'm trapped doing something that is driving me crazy. I don't hate it, but I want to develop other parts of me, be something more. I'm tired of teenagers! I just want to work in my studio- sell art- but I'm soooo doubtful about my talent right now. Maybe I just can't accept who I am- but its always been important to me to do something creative- but I just don't seem to be good enough. (Now define what good enough is?) UGH. Is it listening to my soul or is it just me complaining?

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