Monday, April 30, 2007

First driving lesson

Today Katie is officially 15 1/2, which means in NH she can start driving as long as a parent (or guardian) is with her. Ok, that is weird in itself-not the rules but the fact she is old enough to really start driving. We went out and she rolled around the driveway a bit, practicing breaking and a bit of gassing- very strange to think that in 6 months or so she will get her liscence and actually be driving. Its scary to me- thinking she can drive- not that her driving scares me but the fact that teenagers do stupid things and think they are immortal, and being behind the wheel of a vehicle that can go fast- that scares me. I know she has good sense but... I know teenagers way too well.

Guess its that official time as a parent when you start to get those new worries- between the boyfriend- whom I like but I worry she might not always use common sense, and now driving- I will be very gray and wrinkling pretty soon at this rate.

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