Tuesday, April 3, 2007

travel journal dilemma

OK. this is silly, but its been rattling around in my head. We are off to Ireland in 2 1/2 weeks for this year's family vacation. I am VERY excited about this, as we have never been there and we always have such great fun on our family vacations- yes, even with a 15 year old who won't be able to call her boyfriend. (My point in booking this trip).
Here's my dliemma- small as it is.
I usually collect all kinds of emphemera on trips and come home and use it in my scrapbooks- which are pretty awesome if I may say so myself. I keep a small written journal on our trips to record info to use back when I scrapbook the trip.
However, I love the travel journals people make while traveling (and maybe sprucing up when they get home). I can't draw enough to make me happy- so these gorgeous sketchbooks are out. But I could bring a small stash of supplies and attach emphemera and record info and maybe leave some spaces to come home and add a few photos. OK- so what's the problem?
I take sooooo many photos, and I love to include them in a scrapbook with all my collections from the trip. I feel like its overkill to do a travel journal and a big fat scrapbook- but I know that's silly of me, and I am just trying to convince myself its worth the try. Or what if I get there and don't do what I set out to do? I know, its no big deal, so fix it up when I get home.
So what's my problem? Why this doubt? I should just put a small book together and attach my stash. But what if I want some of those items for the scrapbook, - I know- I can come home and copy them on the scanner...So why am I overthinking this? Is it I don't want to do it or is it I am afraid it will be a disaster or I will not be happy with it? I think that's really it. That I won't like it. I must give myself permission for it to be different and not so great. (And it probably will be super).
So what it the idea fails- why does that matter? Better to try than just not do it.
Push myself a bit.
"Its ok if its not a perfect album." "Its ok to do 2- that journal and a scrapbook" If its bad, I can tuck it away as an experiment that needs some work, and I can learn from it.

Whoever reads this- if anyone-
Thanks for listening.

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