Saturday, May 12, 2007


Had a fun day out yesterday with my friend Vicky. We went to Salem, Mass to the Peabody Essex Museum. I haven't been to Salem for ages, since before Katie was born- and she's 15. Maybe even longer. There are some very pretty parts and gorgeous old homes, and I loved the Peabody-Essex Museum. We went to the Chinese House which was fascinating and they have an interesting maritime art collection and items brought over in the old trading/whaling days of the 1800's. Didn't see the whole collection-will have to go back sometime and see some more.

Went to see the Josepj Cornell Exhibit there. His boxes are fascinating- and I enjoy them- though the whole exhibit also puts him somewhat into perspective. It made him appear a dark and slightly troubled man. I don't know if that's true, as I don't know much about him, but he had quite the sense of humor and seemed to spend a lot of time alone. I suppose an artist must in order to get work done...They had some of his tools, and photos of his boxes and storage- I can only imagine what his house looked like inside. The plain collage art wasn't overall as appealing as his boxes, and I picked up several themes. It wasn't as "fun" an exhibit as I hoped, but it made me think and respond, so that is good, and what some people what say- isn't that art?

Had a great time chatty with Vicky about Minders, Finders and Grinders- I am a minder- which bothers me. I don't have the best self image, and I want to be this wild adventurous person when I guess in a lot of ways I'm not. Minders take care of things, Finders go out and discover and start things, and Grinders are folks who get the work done. I take myself way too seriously sometimes. Anyh0w, Vicky mentioned some books on architecure which sounded interesting- you know, tickle the cerebral. I can't remember the names but am going to look them up on Amazon.

Was a fun today- especially since I didn't have to go to work. Today is a gorgeous Saturday morning- want to get that screen porch opened up!

Do art- that's a great way to spend the weekend.

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