Thursday, June 21, 2007

More to say

OK, went to see a good movie today: Waitress. http://

Enjoyed it, though it made me a bit sad too, how she says she and her baby are going to have years of fun, and that's Katie and me- but now she's off all afternoon with her boyfriend and this volunteer job... what was I thinking? I know- we are working only 2 days a week- Friday and Saturdays- and its not a bad job in any way shape or form, but its the last summer before she's 16 and probably working and our time with her home and not driving and not working isn't going to last forever- so short in fact I can see the end in site- our last summer to hang, I tell myself, its not, things change but they still stay good and all ages have their good times and their good things...but just that maybe we should have just hung out this summer- not given up 2 days- why did I say 2? I could have said 1, which may have been a better fit to giving her a bit to do and still giving us time. I know, its the movie that put me in this frame of mind, and the fact work started today, and I just found out we are now regulary on Friday and Saturdays, and no one is home but me and the critters right now, and Katie rushed off to spend all afternoon with her boyfriend- which is ok, but I'm in this mood, and then I say- well at least this week I will make $150 dollars to read and check a few boats... and its not like its all day...

OK, I am saying this to feel better and to some extent its Friday and Saturday is good since we have 5 consequetive days to hang out...and with Dave around Saturday its no biggie...augh! But part of me is happy about it too.

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