Friday, June 29, 2007

This week on vacation!

The list of my week- not to rub it into anyone else but more to help me remember later on.
  1. Worked this morning- Friday
  2. Went to Worcester to visit Mom on Monday- stopped in Nashua at Trader Joe's and Costco too- so much fun- don't get there very often.
  3. Thursday Katie and I went to North Conway shopping- but didn't buy much
  4. Heat wave- Tuesday-Thursday
  5. Tuesday and Wednesday we went to the lake in the afternoon to relax on Barbara's dock. Tuesday we got Katie's boyfriend Nick so he could join us and Wednesday we went over and got to see Debbie, Dave and Sarah and of course the puppy Sophie. Katie got to hang out with Sarah.
  6. Went to Johnson's for dinner Wed.night- was just too hot to cook.
  7. Had my phone call from Finland last night.
  8. Been working on Bryce Canyon scrap book and a cloth book I started last summer but am now finishing up called my garden. Maybe a little too Asian for my garden, but you know how much I love to garden.
  9. Sunday I puttered around the house- though dave and I went out to breakfast and out for ice cream later. Katie crashed as she had been up all night doing the cancer walk in Exeter.
  10. Last Saturday after I worked I made clay tiles- (bought more clay in Nashua Monday so want to make more tiles this weekend while its cooler) and Dave and I went out for Chinese food.
  11. See the fall Hero Arts stamps are out for pre-order. Some pretty fun ones- I pre-ordered a bunch-naughty me!!! (Never mind I did order the school days Oxford impression plate from StampDiva.)
  12. Cleaned the hot tub.
  13. Had a successful clean-up selling on eBay- sold $116 worth of books and stamps.
  14. Been reading Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Maye. Want to go back to Italy SOOOOO badly.

Thanks that's about it. At least up until about 3:30 in the afternoon which it is right now.

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