Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday already!

Here are a few more fun photos I took on Wed. evening in my back yard.

Am watching a video on Provence- I really want to go there- its looks gorgeous! Add that to Tuscany (along with several other places) and my list keeps getting longer. But Provence looks like a top spot-one of a few.
Worked at the lake this morning- worked on my tan- but the back of my legs are soooo white. Last night had book club at Tara's, drank a couple of margaritas and stayed up late so I was soooo tired this morning. Came home and napped- I was practically useless. We also went to see Harry Potter V before book club (Katie, me and her latest beau-Nick). I really enjoyed the movie- love the darkness it has- and the story was much improved although not exactly directly the book, better than the book- since I really didn't care for book 5 (order of the pheonix)- it was a needed story but it was long and really dragged at certain points.
Looking at my grandma's house book- think I need to post some new photos since I have been working on the pages some more- new and the ones already posted and they look very different and more finished now. Will try to post.

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