Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Mini-road trip to Lowell, MA today. Katie and I had planned to go to Boston and do a duck-tour, but the weather was a bit wet and who wants to pay $50+ for a rainy duck-tour when you don't need to? So we decided to go get a stamp in our National Park Passport Book and we went to visit the Lowell Mill National Historic Park. Wow- downtown Lowell was much more funkier than I expected- I thought more of Worcester- rather tired and worn, but no, not what we saw. That part of Lowell was arty and had a big variety of stores, restaurants, etc.

The Mill Museum was interesting- can't imagine working one of those loom machines for 13 hours a day-5 days a week and 10 hours a day on Saturday. What a week. And LOUD! They had a room with lots of looms-just some of them working. That was loud. Then they had the boarding house to show how the girls lived- now that wasn't my style- but they talked about the unrealistic many of the girls ideas of what it meant to be a factory girl in one of the Mills. Interesting- and- unknown to me- the Jack Kerouac scroll of his famous book (which I have read but didn't care for)- On the Road. Wow- major long typewritten scroll with his corrections and hand written notes. Was cool. Katie used an old fashion manual typewriter and kept saying "Where's enter?" I had to show her how to use it- and she had to punch the keys harder to get a clear type-an experience for her.
Photos are some of the "art" we saw today- including a giant dragon with a CD scaley body and a display of "dresses" hanging over one of the canals- to show the mill woman. Oh by the 2- two quilt museums in Lowell - shopped the store of 1- will need to stop in sometime on the way to Mom's and take a peak inside since today we were beat after our museum stops.

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