Monday, July 23, 2007

Recapping the last few days

Last week was busy- just so I can keep it straight:
  1. visited mom and stopped at Trader Joe's and Costco
  2. worked at school 2(part) days doing curriculum- also set up my room
  3. saw Ratatoule (spelling?) and saw Harry Potter Order of the Pheonix again- this time in Imax 3D
  4. got the latest and last Harry Potter and have been reading away
  5. worked on my quilt- all the butterflies got sewn on
  6. had a banner and record eBay day- sold about $120 in rubber stamps and sold the older iPod for $80
  7. hung out at the lake 1 day
  8. went to Lowell, MA and to LOwell National Historic Park
  9. did some stamping
  10. visited some friends Sherry and Keith Friday night- stayed out LATE for me and needed to sleep late on Saturday- of course the fact that Sat. clouded in made sleeping very condusive
  11. had lunch with another friend Dee down by the water in Portsmouth and played tourist
  12. went to a wine tasting with some people from work

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