Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday, Tuesday

Some more clouds and fog, a bit of sunshine, now its dark like another thunderstorm may be heading our way. Had a fun afternoon out-Katie had to go the doctors, then she and I went to eat at the 99 Restaurant- they have GREAT strawberry shortcakes which she and I split, then we went to TJ Maxx and managed to find a lot of good stuff like shorts, tops, a basket for my kitchen and even a dress for Katie's semi-formal in September. Aren't we good shoppers?
The photo for you to view-my cubbies over my studio work table. I fill it with some stamps and lots of little toys I love. The cubbies are actually from the old post office at the University of NH- I found it several years ago in an antique shop in Dover- and the words- they are names of buildings/dorms on campus. Pretty cool I think.

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