Thursday, July 5, 2007


I am tired tonight. Humidity creeping back in. Last night I slept all of about 3 hours- Dave was too asleep when I came to bed- snoring and rolling. Then I woke up with the worst sinus headache at 3:30- took me forever to fall back asleep and then I had to get up to get Harley to the groomer. Poor Harley- hates booming noises- so with fireworks going off and then the groomer- a process he hates...he's exhausted but a bit put off- sooooooooo clean though. Yesterday had a productive morning- finished Bryce photos, started a house project, cleaned up my studio a bit- put laundry away- and then as the sun disappeared and finally turned to rain-went up to Barbara's for dinner and hanging out and visiting...(my 9th grade English teacher told me to watch my ings, and here I was going on.

So today I did some cleaning- worked on the house book, repaired one of the boat seat covers, vaccuumed, did a bit of laundry, ran a couple of errands with Dave and picked up Harley- got the DVR installed (well the direct-tv guy came late and did that) had a pineapple-coconut frappe-did some eBaying-so tonight- I am beat.

Oh yeah- the photo- its how our new lawn is coming in. Rather weedy- put looking pretty good.

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