Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yesterday and the week before

Happiness is being HOME!
with the ones you love and laughing and having tail wagging fun. That's what the summer has been (I think I could stay home full time if I had the cash!)

I forgot my camera- not good- but it was an interesting day. Incredibly HOT and HUMID- didn't feel very comfortable even dipping into the lake which had cooled down since the week was soooo chilly. Read lots of my latest book- London by Edward Rutherford. Was a big crowd at Barbara's- us, Nick, Deb, Sarah, Ally, Ed abd Ruth, Barbara of course. Big thunder storm but NO rain at dinner- power went off and we had an adventure dinner of hamburgers...then had this cool RED sunset- even the water was red, with the wind blowing and the waves RED from the camera of course, forgot it at home...dinner in the dark, then the lights came back on...still hot though-but today we're in a turn-over day I think- feels cooler already.
More to say- Friday was our last day at the lake for the summer- got haircuts- did a bunch of scrapping on our day in Northern Ireland during the week- just wanted to hang our in my grungies most of the week. Was researching places and info for our Feb. Trip to London...
Now, it is Sunday- end of my vacation officially- tomorrow I work- but 4 days this week- only 3 with kids...then its the long 4 day Labor Day weekend for me- promised Katie shopping Friday- and we're officially back into fall activities- though usually still so summery...

Time flies when you're having FUN.

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