Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wrapping up September

Fall is back-which wonderful. Today I never left the house- cleaned and did laundry a bit- but the house was very hairy from the 3 critters and needed a good vaccing. Vacuuming is
actually relaxing when I'm not pressed and have to do it. PLus the house looks great now- at least the floor does. There's still stuff here and there- the usual clutter. Then I made cards- mom's and Josh's birthdays, my wedding anniversay, my aunt Jean and Uncle Herbie's 50th wedding anniversary,started Katie birthday-her 16th, and stil need to make Dave's birthday card- October is about to be a busy busy month. I was definately in a card making mood today. Spent my entire afternoon playing- then a good long nap, and now we've had dinner and its night and watching this movie the kids at school told me to watch -think its 28 days. Of course they want me to watch it so we can watch it in class since its about infection and epidemics, but the box showed it more of a horror flick, so we'll see. Anything that they don't have to work to hard- though they will.

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