Sunday, October 7, 2007

Long weekend!

Long weekend- I love it. Fall is here too- though yesterday we were warm warm warm and then we got rain as a cool front came through. But it is fall like today- bits of sun now but mostly we've had clouds.
Love Katie's 27 pound pumpkin on my deck, with what's left of my summer planter garden and my cat statue.
Here's Leo, he's gotten into everything lately- but he is the explorer guy. Dave put up paint scaffolding so now he can get on the screen porch roof, as you can see. He decided he needed to come in through my bedroom window on the second floor. Hope he doesn't do that all the time and goes back to using the door.

And then Friday morning, Dave got out of the shower and turned around to be stared at by him as he found a shelf without any towels on it and decided it was a great place to chill. Scared Dave.
Emmie is enjoying yesterday's warmth and sun. Me too. I vacced and cleaned out the hot tub, today I did the seasonal clothes switch over and cleaned off the front of the frig. Still have lots of art time too- but watching football right now, and then we have NASCAR and another Red Sox game out in LA-its first round towards the pennant. Friday's Red Sox game was great with a Manny 3 run homer at about 12;45 in the morning which wrapped it up and broke the 1-1 tie. Glad I could sleep yesterday- and today-I didn't get up until 10:16- in fact, Katie beat us up...amazing.
Lastly, my ghost flower. Playing with depth of field, this is not computer enhance any way. Fun.
Weekend is half done and now I can play the rest of the on Dublin photos, finish a few cards, maybe start my next project- thinking of something like a mad hatter tea party- my style.

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