Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Saturday

So tonight is game 3. Sox are up 2 nothing after winning Thursday night at Fenway. They're in Denver tonight, and we members of Red Sox Nation are hoping for a big win-AGAIN!
One day I will remember that to do this blog one must work backwards- so baseball goes last- since its at night and though important-it is the World's Series afterall, but it needs to go after my day's event with my family- as they are #1.
2 2 New scrapbooking books arrived in the mail today. I got them (a good price too) on eBay. One is Designing with Details- those Designing with books have great ideas. I also got the new Ali Edwards Art and Life book, but for some reason I can't copy it into my blog no matter what I try. Both books are excellent- and when I say that I mean they aren't the same old same old. I think its hard to find a good scrapbooking idea book. I mean there are LOTS of excellent books, but I want one that pushes the limit and shows me some really new ideas. I recommend both of these.
Rain! Rain! Dark and dreary day.
Off to get my baby a new cell phone for a birthday present- she'll be 16 on Tuesday. She wasn't thrilled with the whole cell phone buying process- she likes her old cell phone but being a teenager think she needs a new for her birthday we said she could have a new cell phone (along with her expensive driver's ed course that she starts Monday)...only she didn't find exactly what she wanted but had to get she cried half the way home from Portsmouth...then Dave wanted a ladder for his birthday which is Monday...but he didn't like the ladder's at Home Depot...all I wanted to do was make them happy and I failed...though I will say Katie is warming up to her Krazer, which is what she said she wanted orginally, its just that after she say the new iPhone...
But we had a great lunch at the new Texas Roadhouse in Newington...ran into my friend Dee and her hubby Mike. Had a great lunch too, do I love rib...mmmm. I know its bad for you but yum,yum.

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