Sunday, December 30, 2007

Another day closer to 2008

(ignore the glare)

Art of Late!
I got a new journal for Christmas and some tube watercolor paints. Never had tube watercolors before, but they are wonderful! I've done 2 entries as you can see right above this wording. This one at the very top is some scraps from my quilt -I finally sewed it together today!!!!! Wow, its been how many months- like 9 since I started it. Now I need to press it and then I need to add some flowers so I can stitch the 3 layers together throughout the middle of the quilt. I could do the edges ok, but not in the middle section. Anyhow- I am so happy to have done the edges-its actually usuable now- that I journaled today. The British flag photo is a working photo of the front of the travel journal I am putting together to take to London in Feb. with me. I am using a large board book and I am coloring the pages before I go, and of course doing the cover. I did that before we went to Ireland and it worked out great.

Art and my Dryer
Anyhow, Dave and Katie took off to visit his mom this morning- and they didn't ask me to go. First I thought I'd drive down to Absolutely Everything, but I know I'd buy tons of supplies and soend more cash than I really should right now, but then I saw my quilt pieces laying on my blanket chest- needing to be sewn together, and since it was just me and cats- and I could work in peace (well minus Leo wanting to crawl around on it)- so I did. Talk about happy. And the $22.49 part that fixed my! I know I need to go buy a new washer and dryer- but since I had to buy a new computer and my furniture is coming soon (I hope) and we had to put a new pump on the water system...I will wait until later in the spring for those purchases. I can afford $22.49 right now. Finally the pile of dirty clothes and towels is shrinking to an anthill size from a whole mountain range.

On the List

So still need to clean out the bathoom cabinet to put some stuff away and still want to take down the holiday decorations- can't believe a week ago we were heading into the Christmas home stretch- seems so long ago for some reason...need to learn how to crochet too- weird I can't do that since I knit- and I'm a really good knitter too. More snow due tonight, and I want to finish up some more photos in my Ireland books project, the Amazing Race is on shortly and I am into that show,and that's about it for tonight.

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