Sunday, December 9, 2007


Grey and dark- looked like snowcould fall any minute all day- and we're suppose to get something in the morning. So I have spent my day working on several things-1-Christmas cards, 2- doing school work:correcting virus tests for micro and make-up work since tomorrow is progress reports (and I since played hooky Friday from work and shopped all day with Katie) and 3-moving files onto this new computer. Still have a few holiday cards to finish and lots of files to move, but the schoolwork is done! Yahoo! Went to Walmart with Dave because he needed a few items, but overall a relaxing day. Am watching the Pats- need to do dinner...but wanted to show you the photo of this cool box Dave brought me home a couple of weeks ago, dug it out of his Mom's over the garage junk room. I need to finish it, after the holidays will do!
Oh well, no photo to show you- it is lost somewhere in my file transfer- when I find it, I will show you. Enjoy this one instead.

Its Leo hiding under the hottub deck, appalled there is snow outside. Oh his poor cold little paws.

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