Friday, December 21, 2007

Vacation!!! I'm so excited!!!

I'm on vacation! And its almost Christmas. Last day of school today- a day that's not so productive but a bit of fun...brought work home though-ugh! Take home tests that were due yesterday but because of the snow day I got today. Lets see if I actually do it.
Wish I could say I made these cookies today- but I made them a week ago. Hopefully will get to do some baking this weekend- along with getting a few last minute gifts , cards went out Thursday- 99% of my needed gifts got wrapped yesterday during our snow storm (just a few gifts left to wrap), need to get groceries and want to relax and have fun! The holiday rush and stress is kind of crazy as we all think we need to do all these things to have the perfect holiday.
Katie drove alone for the first time tonight-she took the truck to Alton to pick up pizza.
Am watching the Pink Panther Strikes Again DVD. Love these 1970's films-remember going to them with my Nana when I was teenager- also with my friend Sue- Inspector Clousseau (if that's how its spelled) by Peter Seller's is great. Walk down memory lane from my teenage years. Nana loved these movies, I can hear right now her laughing from when we watched them way back then. Miss my Nana- she was the best Grandmother ever.
Have decided I want to lose the 20 pounds of extra body weight. I want to be tiny again, like I used to be.
Got home today and found my house a mess. I cleaned some last night- just so I wouldn't get up on a Saturday morning to the usual end of a work week mess- wanted it to be livable for me so I didn't feel like I had to clean first thing...and then Leo chased Emmie and there were leaves all over the livingroom rug from my plants and Leo got into my studio and knocked stuff all over the floor...there's no escaping it, is there? I got anal and vacced up the leaves but tomorrow I need to pick up the pile around my work table in my studio.
So that is my night, my day, a few moments out of my life.
Back to the Clousseau and Cato in my movie!

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