Saturday, January 19, 2008

Another Irish film

A stack of cheap movies arrived in the mail yesterday. As mentioned- to get through the winter and the lack of anything much on tv- bought some used/cheap new films from Amazon sellers. Oldies and international films- and many of them-just by chance as I realized- Irish films.
This is one of them- ONCE-its a fairly new film-the DVD was just released last month. Anyhow- great music, story seemed to start a bit slow for me but I was hooked by the end- and the music-there is a lot of- was fantastic. I also loved that it was set in Dublin and there were some familar places from a visit we made last spring. Recommended!
So its the weekend- a long one for me! I like that. Today we are going to Nashua to go to Costco and Trader Joe's- I love both of thos stores though I end up spending too much money even though I go saying I won't do that. The rest of the weekend is pretty open- big Pats game tomorrow, have Valentine's to make for a swap I'm part of, still need to sew flowers on my quilt to finish it, working on a scarf I'm crocheting (my new skill), movies to watch. Its suppose to get COLD, so sounds like I've got plenty of indoor things to keep me busy. looking forward to just chilling too- but weekends are meant to be a bit of both- plus I am cleaning like crazy since my hives were so bad this past week- like washing some curtains and blankets...
All in all- am looking forward to this weekend.
Enjoy yours!

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