Tuesday, January 1, 2008


This is today, though the flakes are falling fast and furious. Relaxing in a way, but after hitting the snowiest December in NH on record, not sure I'm ready for more of this. PLus we took down the tree and all the Christmas glitter and treasures today, which always leaves me with mixed feelings. A bit relieved to have less clutter in my house and a bit sad its all over. Tomorrow reality checks back in and its back to work. I'm praying for a delay so its not quite so LONG of a day.

Last night was quiet but that was ok- it didn't feel very New Years like. We went out and brought home Chinese food and then put on the Bourne Ultimatium DVD, before falling asleep and waking up to see the ball drop in Times Square. Pretty amazing its still Dick Clark's Rockin new Years Eve like back when I was a teenager.

Need to cheer myself up today, and not being really successful. Down deep I wish I was someone different and that's bothering me- which is a silly waste of emotional energy since I can't be anyone other than me and in real life one can't go back and change who you are. I wish I was more a devil may care person and I had more fearless a personality. I wish I thought more of myself than I do right now- stuck with that being everyone's maid, which is all I was rbought up to be, but if you asked my mother she wouldn't get it at all, and she's say that's who I was...and that's what I don't like. I've never really accepted myself, always fighting myself, and right now, with more snow falling and vacation wrapping up and being up last night with intestional hives, I'm a bit blue. I'll get over it.

On the lighter side, looking at last years Museum a Month goal, and here's how I did. (Me, the anal list writer at it now):

  1. January-Harvard musuem of natural history
  2. Feb-Credit Union Museum of America (don't ask-it was for a workshop I went to but where I got this great idea)
  3. March-3 of them- Paris Fashion Week at the MFA, the NE Aquarium (field trip), and Museum of Science in Boston- the Darwin exhibit
  4. April- field trip to Harvard Museum of Nat. History and all those places in Ireland (old castles,breweries, etc.)
  5. May-The Peabody essex museum to see some of it and the box exhibit-why can't I think of the artists name- oh, its Joseph Cornell and a field trip to the museum of science
  6. None in June
  7. July-Lowell National Historic Park and some of the Freedom Trail and the duck boat in Boston
  8. August- All the things we did in Philly on our weekend trip-Valley Forge, The Franklin Institute, the King Tut exhibit, Constitution Hall and the vicinity
  9. September there was none
  10. Ditto October
  11. November I went to Seabrook-both the plant and the small museum
  12. December I went to 3-oo-wee-The Napoleon exhibit at the MFA, the Millyard Museum in Manchester along with histrorical library and finally our field trip to Museum of science.

wow- I'm proud of that accomplishment and am up to do it again in 08, lets see what new things I can find- only 3 months last year without making my goal and some months doing more than 1, so happy that I did it. It was an enriching experience too, making me know so much more.

Anyhow, suppose I've gone on enough...the museum list cheered me up surprisingly. Oh lets hope 08 brings health, happiness and lots of adventures for me and for you too.

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