Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ok, so its Thursday evening- and this week was going fast until yesterday-which slammed into a brick wall and now I feel like I can't get up and walk away from it. Tuesday was our first in the nation primary and a gorgeous day. Yesterday we had a half day of kids and afternoon "meetings", I was so exhausted ( too many total brain switches and a difficult person to deal with), I got home at put my pjs on by 4 in the afternoon. The night kind of followed what you would expect from someone in pjs by 4-asleep by 8:15. Today we had a powerful assembly at school- about school violence- and I am wiped. Never mind how it affected me, but then dealing with affected kids all afternoon. Plus my 16 year old is looking for permanent grounding with her attitude to me...I know she doesn't know how wiped I am BUT...yelling when trying to get homework help is not acceptable. Nor is mocking. Guess tonight I'm on my own since Dave is off to a meeting down the Cape and won't be home until late. Think I'll make me a burger (mmmm) and then retreat to do some scrapping, watching last night's Project Runway and then retreat to me room and try to read a bit.
Posting a few of my latest scrap pages, from my Dublin journal. Who else do you know that makes massive books of many of the photos taken on a trip to try to preserve a memory? I take soooooooooooo many photos. Probably don't need to scrap so many- which if I did that I could maybe catch up. But these are some favs- I still need to practice taking photos of those pages though.

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