Friday, February 15, 2008


1 week! 1 week! One more week of school and then we leave for London. I am so excited. Although we don't leave until next Saturday morning, the critters go to the kennel (the doggie hotel as we tell Harley) next Friday, and since we have to be at the airport at like 5:30 or 6 a.m.- down in Boston at that, and that's a 2 hour drive- or drive to the bus and then take the bus in, so might as well say its only a week because its not going to be much of a sleeping night on Friday.
I love to go places! I love travel adventure. I'm kind of a whimp when it comes to wild physical adventure, but I love the thrill of exploring a new place, seeing new things and seeing things you know about and have seen photos of. Like seeing the Colliseum in Rome- I just stood there and gawked. Wow- almost 2000 years old and I was actually there, in it, looking at it. Something I always wanted to see.
I can't wait to see London. I've read so many books set in London, I love British History (especially about the Tudors), I've flown over the city in the past and seen Big Ben from a plane window but I want to see it in real life. (And a few other things).The land of Dickens, Darwin, the Queens and Kings,the Beatles, wow-I could go on and on.

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