Thursday, March 13, 2008


I know nothing about this statue except that I snapped it shortly after we got on the hop-on-hop-off tour bus. Sitting on the open top I was snapping away with my camera. Surprised how well some photos came out.
Yes, I was posing this bad on purpose. Ancient Greek statue at the British Museum.

Living statue on the south bank, Sunday afternoon. After riding the eye, we took a strol along the river and all enjoyed all the living statues, bands, and other performers.

This photo and the one above are of statues set into building alcoves. The one above needs to be put to photoshop, but you can see what I mean about being in the side of a building.
Feeling tired tonight. Since we've come home it has been SO busy. Today I had Leadership Teacher and we went to Timberland Shoes in Stratham. Man, what a talented bunch of people and I learned a lot. Who knew that it took so much to make shoes. This designer spoke with us, and he was a genius. How he came up with shoes, wow. They had gone to Spain to inspiration for their summer shoes for 2009.
I am way behind on my grading for work too. Labs are sitting on the floor next to the couch, looking at me. Last night I graded a bunch, but they're not done and I came home tired tonight. Too tired to read labs. There seems to be so much to do at school that you do the top priority first- getting ready to teach and then there is something else you are being told you must do, like sit through a meeting or a semi-useless or useless workshop, so the next things don't get done. I can't stand it. What they give us at school is all crazy busy work- just we aren't suppose to give the kids- not like today where it was really interesting and where I learned so much.
Plus they had this store at Timberland- got 2 pairs of cool shoes for under $30 a piece- what with them being markdowned and then getting a visitors one day discount.
Dave is at a meeting tonight and is actually doing his 4 hour drive home from this meeting. I spent my whole drive home from Stratham-like an hour- on the cell phone with him, and he's called a few times. I know he's bored driving, and I want to talk, but the telephone is something I no longer really like using. How can you not though...
On the lighter side-Tomorrow is Friday. Pay day. Laurie Mika class this weekend. means I have no down time at home- a bummer- but should be a good class. I wouldn't have signed up if I didn't want to do it. Hope the weather holds out and we don't get a big snow dump to interfere... that would really be a shame.

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