Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Can it be spring?

In the high 40's here today!!!!!!!!!! Lots of melt-down 4 inches on the snow gauge. The driveway and road are mud-puddles. Oh but who cares?
This old photo is from a bunch I bought on eBay a few years back. Thought it was a bit springy- with the flowers and the girls in short sleeves...leaves on the trees...I'm celebrating our really nice day!
Hasn't been much of an art week at all. But I've been tired all week and rather hivey. Did so much clay tile making last weekend I'm ok with it too.
So tomorrow I am off to Boston for 2 nights. Its National Science Teacher Convention, and a bunch of us from school are going down and spending 2 nights so we can have some fun in the city besides conventioning. Need to pack tonight as I'm heading out right after school. I may hang out Saturday and walk over to the Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum- haven't been there in ages- since I'm only at the convention on Friday. Looking forward to it most definately. Be back over the weekend then- hoping for lots more melt by then too-since April is just a few days away. This will be a fun way to end this month!!!!

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