Friday, March 21, 2008


In London, I was trying different candy out. I rarely buy candy bars at home-except peanut M&M's or maybe a Lindt Ball, but it was fun to try some of the different bars when we were away. Flake bars in an ice cream cone taste great- I had one of those after hiking in Wicklow National Park in Ireland last spring, and Double Decker Bars, with chocolate, crunchies and mashmellow-that was my top choice. But it was fun to try a new bar each day- especially after walking and walking and walking and not having to worry about the calories.
So its finally Friday night-I am sooooooooooooooo looking foward to sleeping until whenever tomorrow- even getting up at 7 won't be horrible because I don't have to get up. Its been tough with the cold and dark lately. I am also making another clay mosaic tomorrow-bought some clay and some ceramic tiles...think I'll do a home theme, --- want to do a garden theme and a Celtic theme, but it takes time to do one so those will be on my to do list. Also have a piece I need to finish up to send off to Stampers Sampler, and a Holiday piece to send off to Somerset Holidays. Doesn't mean they'll be selected, but like sending things out. You never know, do you?
And I can say 1 more week of March. Need to do my car-ugh-ugh- because in New Hampshire we need to register it during our birthday month. So much for birthday cash for me...but that's just how it is. I'm not a fan of March- but hopefully spring will arrive here SHORTLY. I did find my bracelet today-yahoo- which got tucked into my inside coat pocket at the airport flying home and which I couldn't find when I got home and searched my suitcase and carryon-totally forgeting where I put the bracelet. That was very exciting. At school we had work day today-what can I say...nice to go in late, sometimes administrators don't realize you could use some worktime in your room!
Will post my clay work as I do it-

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