Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More travel records

Having so much fun I decided to carry on some more.
More of the Mosts...
1. The best statue-a wow moment-David by Michealangelo (spelling?) in Florence
2. Most awe inspiring painting- a wow!- the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel (not sure I spelled the right either)
3. Most unique animal encounter-being at Seawall in Acadia National Park in Maine and having a bald eagle fly down and land not very far in front of us on the rocks
4. Most unusual reason for a traffic jam- buffalo watching in Yellowstone (why I have the most rush anywhere on my list yesterday)
5. Most tacky tourist restaurant-don't remember the name but it was in Custer, South Dakota and the sign was a big cowboy and inside was filled with taxidermied animals and I remember a big snake skin on the wall behind our table
Be back-need to go get Katie
Now I'm back after getting Katie and having fish and chips at Johnson's-a local restaurant
6. Most advertised item on a billboard-billboards for Wall Drug in South Dakota, Wyoming, etc.
7. Best speech by a park ranger-really captivating- at little Big Horn and also at Ford's Theatre
8. best ruins of castles and towers-Ireland
9. Best rubber stamp shopping on a trip- a tie- The Ink Pad in NYC and Blade Rubber Stamps in London
10. best rental car-our white VW Carbio convertable in San Diego
11.the city I liked the least that I have been too so far-Dallas, Texas church I have visited-Westminster Abbey in London
13. most rural drive -in the Maine townships and the drive to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon
14. most excited to see trees-Katie when we arrived back in NH after visiting SD, WY,Montana, and Eastern Colorado
15-funniest encounter with wildlife- the burrow that came to Katie's car window in Custer State Park, SD
16-place we saw the most wildlife (as in types)- South Dakota around Mount Rushmore
17-one of my most favorite buildings-Flatiron Building in NYC
18-Best museums-American Museum of Natural History in NYC, Smithsonian Museum of American History in DC, Peabody Museum in Cambridge,MA, Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA, and there are a bunch other so maybe this wasn't a good choice
19-Favorite cities-San Diego, San Francisco, BOSTON, Washington DC, London, NYC-also probably not a good question because I've liked a lot of cities I've visited
20-worst plane ride- (fortunately nothing bad with the plane) but a child screaming "I want my milk" and the parents saying no over and over as we fly over the entire Atlantic Ocean

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