Saturday, May 3, 2008


Let's see, its a rainy and dark Saturday morning. Katie has school for half a day (to make up one of her many many snow days) and then she's off with her boyfriend and his mom to the movies. Dave had to work so he's gone. I'm up and showered, drove Katie to school with a stop for breakfast at MacDonald's-so nutrious (oh yeah right) but fun. Now its 7:30 and I have my whole day to myself- but in honor of National Scrapbooking Day will go work on some pages and want to make some cards. Could be worse, I can always take a long nap in a bit if I don't get any more awake.

Anyhow, no place I really feel I need to go or want to go for that matter, so will enjoy my quiet day home with my critters.

Here's some more photos from yesterday. Next post I'll show you some more-since I took like 300 photos-though I'll admit they're not all excellent.

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