Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another Sunday night

I had a gift certificate for lunch for 2 at the Wentworth by the Sea that I received for helping someone with their science project this past winter, this great old building shown above. So Dave and I went yesterday, and I would have taken more photos but it poured when we left, when I was going to take my snaps. Anyhow, what a lunch. I had this lobster roll, it must have had 6 claws of meat in it. Not saucy, just meat. I bet the sandwhich had at least 2-3 pounds of lobster in it. Did we eat. We got appetizers, lunch and dessert. I had clam chowder, my lobster roll and Dave I split cherry strudel and this molten chocolate cake. Dave had French onion soup, fish and chips and dessert as I mentioned above. I was sooooooooooo full afterwards, useless for the rest of the day. But the food was excellent as was the service. An $85 lunch which only costs us our gratuity. That doesn't happen very often but man, was it worth it.

From last Sunday night, my favorite flower, the lilac. They are out everywhere around here right now--if only they would bloom longer than a couple of weeks.

Some of garden flowers. Oh I love flowers and my gardens.

This weekend is winding down and it feels a bit surreal. Like it happened, but what happened. Did lunch yesterday, shopped a bit at Lowe's for a new washer and dryer but still looking. Today I worked on my London book but am still having this mad desire to be in the studio. Its also like this weekend didn't actually happen. At least in my head. I'm just floating through time without really grabbing hold of anything. Well...guess I just need to flow with it.
2 1/2 weeks of school left- I am so ready for summer. Its like I'm art starved although I spent a lot of time last Monday and today doing art-I know last week was a bit art empty- except for my drawing class, wow, I am such a good sketcher. Who'd have thought? Started a new book tonight-The Principals of Uncertaincy. So far its great. Enjoyed the Agatha Christie book. Anyhow...anyway...Just letting go and trying to keep focused to finish the school year and not expect too many miracles this summer...

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