Monday, July 7, 2008

After the weekend!

Love these great wildflower photos I took on the side of the road (and embarassed my family when I laid down in the grass to take them) a week or so ago. Flowers are the fantastic part of summer I think!

Now the holiday weekend is over, and it was perfect weather. Spent all 3 days at the lake, or at least part of those days at the lake, reading and enjoying some sunshine. Katie worked the 4th and 5th and then did a carwash for her class yesterday-and she had a blast. I also finally got the kayaks out and washed them and did a bunch of gardening and Dave got the garage ready for our biobrick delivery.

Today was work day at the boat ramp- I finally got to finish my Fine Balance book and then made a huge jump into the 4 Letter Countries book which I've shown up above the flower photos. Pretty interesting- he's not a writer with super finesse, but I am enjoying the book a lot anyhow. Not that I want to travel to Mali, Togo, but Peru sounds pretty good. Am in the middle of Loas right now...can you do the rest-let's see: Oman (read that chapter too), Chad , Cuba, Fiji, Iran and Iraq. That's the 10 he does, which are the only 10 unless you go by non-English names like Eire for Ireland. Anyhow, is a fun read and although I enjoyed a Fine Balance and didn't want to just put aside, what those poor people had to go through. Makes me very grateful for what I have-definately!

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