Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday Tuesday

Here's a couple of more of my Casablanca cards.
So its been a very busy last couple of days. Yesterday morning was day 1 at Merrymeeting Lake being a lake host-checking boats of obnoxious weeds that could contaminate the lake. I made some ATC's yesterday afternoon- doing one of those 7Gypsies ATC stands. I was planning on making it a romp through the year, but it may be just a summer set. I was having too much fun doing summer ATCs, and I still have lots of ideas. Last night was bookclub, dragged Katie with me. Went to this great Mexican restaurant over in Kittery, Maine- CocoLoco's. YUMMY! Then Katie and I went to the outlets, didn't buy much (nothing for me but you know 16 year olds). Had a good eBay night too-made a little over $48.
Today I went to school to do curriculum work, had a nice little lunch in Prescott Park with Dee, then went to the lake for a swim and some sun, and a few light sprinkles of rain, but nothing that drove us off the dock. School work went really well and I'll get paid for a day come fall- nice for holiday shopping which will be tight this year with the cost of heating oil/gas (pretty scary when people talk about that in June when summer hasn't even started yet).
And now I need to address packages to send out from my eBay selling. Should be fun!

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