Monday, July 14, 2008

What a day

Ok, so was reading a blog called bookgirl's nighstand (, and she's read 48 books so far this year. Wow! I am impressed. So I counted for me. 12 novels and non-fiction books, several tour books for London (like 6) , 4 new cookbooks and those I pull out to look through for recipes and more than I can keep track of art/craft books since I look through them when they're new and then I pull them out here and there-in fact, today I did phase one of my book cleaning in my studio. I am proud and happy with that! Still have phase 2 and 3 to go through-phase 3 being the big shelves and phase 2 the pile next to the closet. Also got our bio-bricks today-an alternative to wood to help try to ease the cost of heating out house this winter. I was very impressed with the guy who sold/delivered them. I also worked 90 minutes this morning before the rain got so hard I was getting wet under the tree, so I came home and it really POURED-so glad I left when I did. But the bird watching this morning was FANTASTIC. There was a family of geese at the marina, and there was Baltimore oriels and a kingfisher eating a fish, and some type of fresh water sandpiperish bird, and the sapsucker whose always in the trees at the boat ramp and goldfinches and chickadees. Did I mention all the great blue herons we saw kayaking last Friday? Anyhow, am trying to upload images from where I work at merrymeeting this I took this morning but blogger isn't letting me, and my lower back is killing me because I have this pulled muscle in my bottom and moving books today in phase one agrevated it even though sitting in my cars heated seat helped...and I have more items to put up on eBay tonight...which I am going to go do since I can't upload...happy Monday!

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