Thursday, August 21, 2008

More beautiful weather

Photos I borrowed from the Canabie Lake web site. Went yesterday and did my first un-side-down roller coaster-the corkscrew shown here. Always have been a big coward-and though you could tell you were upside down it was sooo fast, it wasn't a problem.
Now this ride- the extreme frisbee--woe. That was the scariest funnest ride- man,had to keep my eyes shut for half the ride-but I did it! I was having a brave day yesterday!
What a week! Gorgeous weather once Tuesday morning rain clear out. Today I puttered-had dinner with Vicky in Wolfeboro right on the docks at the old Bailey's Dockside place- and then had drawing-started faces tonight.
And tomorrow-that last day of my vacation. Then its back to work...where did summer go to?

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