Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Bought this DVD set awhile back and we have been watching it here and there- and it is really interesting. Funny. I am enjoying it and we're on epidose 9 out of 10. I really like Charlie Boorman, he's a hoot.
Been starting to look for prices for Feb, vacation trip- want to go back to London and do more exploring- a bit out of the city too, but we could do Paris. In the US the plane fares are crazy. Of course, I feel so broke so I shouldn't charge another thing with the washer, dryer and freezer, but...oh now that I'm back to work travle bug has returned.
Another day at work. Was a tough morning to get up and get moving, but tomorrow is my last day of the week. As a teacher, you have to figure out how your classes are going to be. I love 99.999999% of my students, but sometimes you get a mix that is a challenge. Not sure about my classes for this semester yet-but had a great day. Keep you finger crossed.

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