Sunday, September 7, 2008

This is my trail!

Sunday night stress-trying to finish up all those little weekend chores and projects, then dinner and ironing clothes for work. This weekend seemed particulary short too- after last weekend which was 4 days long and this week is an actualy 5 day work week-plus yesterday we went down to MA to my cousin's David Carlson's retirement party- was a fun afternoon with the Anderson clan before the heavy rains (5 inches on our gauge) from Hanna (the hurricane tropical storm). But today the air cleared out and it was a beautiful sunny day.
Drawing class starts back up tomorrow night, haircut Tuesday ( can't wait) and Katie has open house Thursday night so I get to go meet her teachers. Next weekend is a quiet weekend-hooray.
One more chapter in The Geography of Happiness, a good read. Not sure what I will read next. Everyone's talking about this vampire series of 4 books-might try one of those...but isn't it me to not like what everyone else likes-like Water for Elephants...sometimes its timing-if you're not in a place for a certain kind of book, but sometimes, its just the book.
Making my own trail- don't we all. What works for each of us...and me...I have some Agatha Christie I want to read and a Ken Follett and Paris travel guides...

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