Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This week is going by much faster than last week, but is spirit week at school and every day the kids get a bit more crazy. Today was superhero day and tomorrow is toga day. Oh boy.

I was pretty down in the dumps yesterday-tired, ready for some down time-PMS-ing, what can I say? But Harley's lump was benign-great news- and today after a good nights sleep and getting a walk in yesterday afternoon with Katie- I am mostly better today. It was tough hearing that some people have jobs where they can actually take a morning walk and spend a little drawing time before they go to work...set their own at home...I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous. I know I am a teacher in my soul, but I worry I am not enough of an artist which is what I want to be now...this is my 25th year of teaching and I wonder if its time to do something else while I'm still fairly I can set my own schedule and walk in the morning...I also have a hard time with me sometimes...I don't always accept certain parts of me...want to be someone different-but I can't be.

Been in a big reading mood. My latest read is photographed above- though my copy is in pretty tough shape as I bought it used. Never read any Bill Bryson before, but am enjoying this read. Also came home yesterday and today and did some scrapping-oh that feels so good, as good as reading. My autumn soul is coming out, the homebody, not feeling very adventurous. You know, savouring a cup of tea and a good story or a good movie-or a good travel show about Paris. Wearing my sweats or pjs- that's where I am at right now. The weather is turning to autumn slowly, and I'm there already.

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