Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Did it rain today

Some views from Greenwich, England. It was cool there- the old naval academy was very Georgian with pillars, post and symmetry to the max. Very nautical- like the cool anchor in the floor as you can see on one of my pages. I love the ocean and nautical things so it was a goog place for me. There was naval museum with some interesting artifacts- like clothes Lord Admiral Nelson was killed in during the battle of Trafalgar- blood stains still there. Then we climbed the hill to the observatory where the Prime Meridan is- my weird thing I wanted to do, stand with 1 foot in each hemisphere-East and West and the same time. Also some famous astronomer's telescopes like Hershel and Halley (like the comet), and although I'm not really into astronomy I have a science geek hat that I love to wear.

Today it rained like crazy, and the wind blew and at work we kept having power blips for a few seconds. Went to see Madagascar II after my hair cut with my friend Vicky and her daughter Katie-we laughed a lot and had dinner afterwards. Last night I had book club-out 2 nights in a row-but for fun reasons-(even though I must admit I wish book club was a girls night out and not a girls with babies night out...just seems that its not an occasional happening when someone can't get a babysitter at the last moment...but how do you complain about that without making the mom's angry...oh listen to me, a very mom person anyhow). Syill, I love seeing my bookclub friends and getting different perspectives. Anyhow--- This week is crazy right up through Thursday- Friday I am going to crash and watch tv all day!

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