Friday, December 19, 2008

Another snowstorm on the way

Busy day- Harley goes in to get his knee surgery (since the vet had an emergency yesterday and didn't get to him), I'm home on a personal day and need to run out before the snow comes, and as I just said- 5-10 more inches of snow on its way this afternoon. Wow. I have tons of holiday things to do (the stress is starting) and I need to chill, still recooping from our 5 day power loss but feel terrible for all those 35,000 NH folks still without power. And those power crews- working hard- thank you and hope you get home for Christmas and some well needed rest.
Anyhow- here's some more holiday tags- quick makes- they're not meant to be big artistic tags but gift tags- the ones that get ripped off and tossed out so why spent too much time making them time, but, I had such a blast making them. I wanted them to be fun and even cute in some cases. I used lots of Hero Arts stamps and some MSE stamps and there's even a Paper Artsy stamp in there.
Will post some more later on.

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