Monday, December 1, 2008

Last Friday

Here we are getting our tree for the holidays. Last Friday, unlike today, was a gorgeous afternoon once the morning clouds and showers disappeared. Today was raw and foggy and wet, woke up to a slushy inch of snow on my deck. Its mostly gone now, but never hit the 50 degree mark like they said it was going to. I got sooo cold at work...came home to the hot tub and then a good hour nap...never mind it was Monday after a long weekend and the kids were crazy...what a great relaxing weekend it was though. Today I also booked our train from London to Paris for our February vacation. Can't wait to go-I love traveling. Also mailed my ATC's for the rowhosue swap I'm part of-will show photos later. Otherwise, it was a typical work day and believe it or not-its December!

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