Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Weekend Adventure

Ice storm! We were hit pretty bad but not as bad as some people. We lost power by 2:30 a.m. Friday and it came back in the afternoon yesterday-5 days of darkness and no water. Thanks goodness we have a woodstove for heat- but some poor people have had no heat- and very cold houses. Of course we don't have a generator-high on our purchase list once we get past this...and everynight I'd fall asleep to the hum of gas motors up and down our street as people ran their generators. Was tough living in the dark for so many days- and going out to eat and going out to shower at people's houses...
These photos are from my yard on Friday afternoon once the rain stopped. A couple of close ups, a view of my backyard and Dave's carpentry workshop...Have a bunch more...will post later today.
So school was closed for Katie and I on Friday and me on Monday (it was an evacuation center)-and now I'm out again as its snowing-and it must be nasty down at the coast since Katie has school but most places in the seacoast are closed. Welcome winter...though its still a couple of days away.

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