Monday, February 16, 2009

Coughing and coughing

This cold is terrible- a doosey ( is that a real word or even spelled correctly?) but I do feel over the hump. Its nice being alone except for the critters, going to finish this book I started on Saturday- The Great Stink- very Dickensian.
We leave in just a matter of a few days- getting prepared in my head and need to get some things together later today- too bad being sick wiped out my weekend...
Here are a few more scrap pages for my London book that I finished up since Christmas. My pages are very journalistic and not particulary polished...but my style is a bit rough and tumbled and a bit messy...did decided what I don't like about the Sherlock Holmes page posted yesterday- its the read silhouettes in the background. I should take everything else and cover the page with paper and then put everything back down...will, most likely not. I do go between wanting things to be so perfect and finished and look so not like me- especially when I go online and look at pages other people do...but I must do my own style, and those are me. Plus, I like to make my pages fit the subject- these a bit cosmopolitan and grimy and Victorian...and it is a trip journal, not something flowery for every photo...oh, to have total self-confidence...someday I may get there-but I love my books so what does it matter what the magazines and the big companies trying to sell things say it needs to be like?

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