Wednesday, March 25, 2009



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I discover so much when I travel. I see new places and learn about the world. I learn about myself too-like how much French I actually remembered. I get to take cool photos too and as I edit I've realized that my originals keep getting better and better-though they should since I've had a camera since I was 8.
I discover so much when I scrap and when I do art. I get inspired when I read art books and magazines, and learn new the simple one of outlining letters and borders with light watercolor markers. Found that out last night as I scanned a Creating Keepsake book. Wow- something so simple and it took me this long to figure it out...typical. I can be pretty dense.
I discover so much when I take classes. Tomorrow I am taking an all day class called Monoprints for Educators. I am excited and hope to learn so new skills and techniques. Plus I get to play art all day...and not rush out at 6:15 a.m. The kids at school aren't going to be happy with me for being out though.
I discover when I play too. The top photo is one I snapped at Versailles. The next 4 are various crops of the original. I like #3 the best and I wish I had taken more photos of people around the garden. I love their poses and expression. But I love how one photo that is way too busy can give you so many very different views.
Life is about the discovery- as sappy as that sounds. And is. But this week I once again discovered that I am a strong person...more secure than I give myself credit for...
OK, enough for one need to keep your stomach contents intact and I tend to get real babblely-if that's a word.
So go make a discovery!

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