Monday, April 13, 2009

A Cold Wind did blow

But we didn't have snow-yahoo! Thanks goodness. I had a very nice Easter at my brother's-good to see everyone. Was a cold windy day though-like today...but we finished third quarter today with exams and tomorrow 4th quarter starts-which means summer is just 9 weeks of classes away. Never mind- 9 more school days until vacation-oh a week to putter around here-love that idea! Watching Secret Lives of Bees-loved the book,got Katie the movie for Easter but we weren't home to watch it yesterday since we got home about 7:30 and had the Amazing Race...haven't done any art for a few days now...feel just a tad bit guilty tonight-why is that? The guilty feeling when you don't get in the studio for a few days because the weekend was busy-taxes, cleaning the house, Friday exhaustion...tonight I came home and took a nap-oh that felt soooo good....and by the way- whereever I stopped reading The Girl Who Played with Fire on Friday- when I picked it up Saturday-man, the book picked right up and its just what I expected after reading the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo-
Here's some more art pieces I made...

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