Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day all you Mom's

Here's a photo of my Mom when she was a girl. Now she's 79, but still my mom. As I wished her on the phone this morning- Happy Mother's Day!
I'm having a nice Mother's Day, its windy and that's keeping the bugs away so I got a great walk this morning, have spent about 4 hours scrapping-just started my Feb. vacation book and have been reading Simon Winchester's Outposts, which is a bit outdated most likely since it was written in the mid-1980's but still an interesting read. Who'd know anything about Ascension Island or St. Helena...which I thought St. Helena was in the Mediterranean (did I spell that right) because Napolean went there but what did I know?
So now Katie and I are going to watch Last Chance Harvey-not sure if its any good but it looked good in the previews way eariler, and I like the idea of chicky flick...and London too...
Will let you know how it is.

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