Sunday, May 3, 2009

Still recooping

Slowly getting over this cold and sinus infection-but thank goodness for antibiotics. The pain on my face is at least gone.
Am taking it kind of easy today- printing more trip photos, cleaned out some stamps and some of fabric, read some more of Careless in Red by Elizabeth George (always enjoyed her books and haven't read one for awhile, but its still an excellent mystery). katie found out she got her summer job today-yahoo- not sure I will get any hours but that's ok too. Am getting my eBay stash ready to sell and clean out...always a good thing.
Tomorrow is back to work- last countdown until summer vacation. And its very light in the morning now-even at 5 a.m., which is another very good thing. Oh, life is good even when its a challenge...and its always a challenge. But that is ok too, most of the time.

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