Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Always a dilemma for me

Ok, I needed to turn my car around Saturday to catch those mailbox photos I showed you yesterday and when I turned into this dirt road to change direction, I saw this sign. What a great sign of summer-the welcome to summer camp sign. I would have easily missed it since you can see from the directly above it was a bit of a ways down this dirt road. Gotta love it. (By the way-7 days of kids left-1 week from tomorrow I start giving my exams!)
Been home alone most of the evening- and it has been divine. Been working on a project-a 4th of July Patriotic book- got 2 spreads done and only need to fill 1 more and then I can bind the book. Love playing with various stamps-taking a historical perspective on this project.
Speaking of stamps- my dilemma. How far to clean out? You know, I'm torn. Part of me wants to do a big clean out, get rid of half my stamps or about that, and then my pack rat personality peeks out and says-well maybe you'll want to use this sometime. Oh yeah, you could do a great _______ project with this. You've been playing with that idea for awhile. Man oh man. Somedays I can just clean and sell and then when I've had a bad eBay week-like this past week- its like why bother? But I need to clean out since I seem to have bought quite a few stamps lately-bad,bad me. But what to keep? Some things are easy-like my Postmodern Stamps- I can't buy them very easily unless they show up on eBay so they stay-whether I am using them or not. But other things? How much do you keep of the old stamps for nostalgia and how much do you want to buy the new stuff because its new and fresh and you haven't used it before.I know I have old favorite I will keep-and I know what those stamps are. But its the maybes, the ones you love but dn't love quite so much any more. And who knows, in 6 months I could really love them again. Maybe miss them if they were gone-or need them for a project.
Me talking to myself like this is not helping any cleaning getting done, is it?

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