Friday, July 3, 2009

A few minutes of blue sky and sun shine

But will the sunshine last more than 5 minutes? They say in the last 25 days we've had rain 22 of them. Yeeks.
Here's some other art I made last Sunday. I lvoe them-especially the book saying one right above this.
Had a great visit with my friend who's up from NC, Ina. It poured yesterday-but we went to AE and then had lunch at the little cafe next door and just chatted! Last night we chatted and went to Johnson's for some fried fish-or oysters for me! Today-lets see, but my window is getting more trimmed out...It looks gorgeous and I love it.
Here's a photo of one of my latest mosaics-this is the one I gave to Ina for her birthday (belated). Its the one I thought for her and she picked it. Don't you love it when that happens?

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