Friday, July 24, 2009

Home in the rain

Today, let me show you a couple of redwood photos. These trees impressed me with their height and width. Wow, gorgeous. In Redwood National Park there's a dirt drive through this old growth forest-its called Stout Drive and I recommend it highly. Its too narrow for anyone driving a bus or pulling a trailer, but wow. These photos do not due justice at all to these giant old trees.

Below is a drive through tree. I guess there's 3 of them in the area, and they're all on private property. It cost us $5 to drive through this one- but it was one of Katie's wish list items. Funny, you wait in line, drive up so far, then the driver squishes out and takes a photo. Then drive out and the next car repeats this. Funny.
Back in Stout Grove.
So here in NH- we're back in the rain. The summer that hasn't been- so far. Guess its waiting until its time to go back to school before it arrives. Still doing laundry today, in my dirty basement (seeing Leo ripped open a bag of dog food and its everywhere), stamping a bit, going to see the new Harry Potter tonight when Dave gets out of work. Looking forward to that. This weekend I'm taking a 2 day bronze clay class, should be fun, but wish I had one more down day before it starts. Oh well, should be fun and I am exceited about it, no doubt.

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